Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Figaro treats from Globe Rewards

Since I started using a mobile phone, about 15 years ago, I have been a loyal prepaid subscriber of Globe network ;) Good thing the network has this MyRewards MyGlobe program where all active subscribers of the network gets to earn reward points for every reload/usage. Read more on this here.
Last year I was able to redeem a 4GB USB using my points. Now, even if my husband and mom shared their reward points to me, sadly, my current total points are not sufficient to redeem any GC's, not even another USB. I don't want to use it naman to redeem call and text services, for I want something that I can truly enjoy or have a good use of. And to make the situation worse, my points earned in 2012 will expire on the 30th of this month, waaaaah! So I was thinking hard on how to maximize the use of my points, I don't want it to be forfeited just like that, yet I don't want to compromise the benefit I would get out of it.
Luckily just a few days ago, I received a text message from Globe (4438) saying that reward points can be used to pay for Figaro treats... yahoo! At last my points will be put into good use, it's a happy tummy again for me! ;)

Text message I received from 4438

So last Sunday afternoon, I decided to use my points before it becomes forfeited... and yes I redeemed my treats at Figaro Tomas Morato branch. The redemption process was such a breeze. I went straight to the cashier, asked for the mechanics, they took my orders, and then I was given an instruction on how to transfer my points to them. Once the message was sent and confirmed, my orders were given to me. I'm so happy and thrilled because I got lots of goodies without handing out a single centavo. I'm such a proud wise mom that moment!

Tomas Morato branch

My bag of goodies! ;)

Paid everything by my G-Reward

By the way, I'm not a coffee drinker, but a certified dessert lover, hence the reason why I chose to order purely these sweets. If these are not your thing, don't worry, according to the cashier the points are applicable to all Figaro menu items. Here's a snapshot of my goodies... =)

L-R: Cheese Muffin, Chocolate Cake, Tuna Pie, Figaro Carrot Cake and Pandan Cake

My Liam enjoying his cheese muffin

My family and I truly enjoyed these treats!  =)